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Get Involved
All motorsport events, no matter what level, need volunteers to help run them safely and effectively.
From the service areas and pits, to stage or track-side, they do everything from essential administrative work to providing life-saving safety cover, offering a rewarding day and up-close and personal action from the event.
There are a wide variety of Volunteer roles available at Manx Auto Sport, from marshalling at the Manx Rally or Chris Kelly Memorial Rally, to becoming a member of the organising team. Equally, if you would just like to become a member of Manx Auto Sport, we would love to hear from you .
For details on the roles available within Motorsport on the island, please read on!

Become a Marshall
Almost all motorsport events need volunteer marshals (recognisable from their orange overalls or tabards) to make sure they are run safely and effectively.
Marshalling is a rewarding way of getting more closely involved with motorsport and joining a community of like-minded enthusiasts; general duties range from spectator safety and clearing debris to helping extract drivers and cars that have crashed or broken down.
If you are interested in becoming a rally marshal, you can become accredited in less than an hour by completing the new online training and accreditation scheme. Simply click here and either login if you are an existing Motorsport UK member, or register if you are new. Once logged in follow the links for ‘Online Training’.
Become a Timekeeper
Timekeeping is an essential element of most motorsport events, with the timekeeper’s role being to record competitors’ times and positions in order to determine the event results.
The tools used range from simple hand-held stopwatches to complex electronic timing systems that can accurately measure to the nearest thousandth of a second.
To acquire a Trainee Timekeeper licence you simply need to complete Motorsport UK’s New Officials Registration form and return it by post to the Membership Services Team, having ticked the Timekeeper Trainee box.
You will then be sent a Trainee Licence and an introductory pack with the Training Module.
To learn and understand more about Clock Use and Training please click here
Become an Event Organiser
Organising events is always a mammoth task and requires a long list of officials to ensure an event runs safely and smoothly. If you think you could help Manx Auto Sport in its running of events such as the Manx National Rally, please get in touch using the form below.
Become a General Helper
Manx Auto Sport is always looking for a wide variety of people to assist in the organisation of events on the island. From administration to promotion, we can always find a space for eager helpers! If you are interested in getting involved, simply fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Signing on times
Saturday 4th of may the whitestone pub ballasalla
2 to 4 pm
Sunday 5th of may the sulby glen hotel, sulby
2 to 4pm
Tuesday 7th may mike hailwood centre grandstand douglas
4.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Wednesday 8th may mike hailwood centre grandstand douglas
4.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Thursday 9th may mike hailwood centre grandstand douglas
4.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Timekeepers Thursday 9th may at the mike hailwood centre 6pm to 8pm.
Radio operators Thursday 9th may at the Grandstand from 5 pm to 7pm
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